We live in a world that is fast-changing. From climate change to gender change, we realize that humans seek ways to upgrade themselves. However, if any change is done without having a clear understanding of the 3 most important questions of our lives: “WHO ARE WE? WHERE DO WE COME FROM? WHY ARE WE HERE?” we will find ourselves harming our “SELVES” in the name of improving our “SELVES”. I believe answering these 3 questions accurately can help all humans in the path of understanding their SELVES and take appropriate steps in improving themselves.
WHO ARE WE? We are humans and not instinct-led animals. We are endowed with 4 major attributes that are unique in dimension and exactness namely: the rational power of knowledge, the moral power of choosing between right and wrong, the creative power of fashioning things, and the spiritual power of exercising our spirituality. With this in mind, we can proceed with the second question.
WHERE DO WE COME FROM? Regardless of so many noisy theories about the origin of humans, none has ever beaten up the reality of Intellectual-Design Creation. Someone existed before humans’ existence and according to the essence of our very own existence, there is no reasonable doubt that humans originate from the Creator commonly known as Jehovah, The Almighty God—The God that Christians believe. I recommend reading the most factual book I have ever known, The Holy Bible, in its 1st Chapter called Genesis. God created the seen and the unseen for a purpose. This purpose leads to answering the third question.
WHY ARE WE HERE? Irrespective of so many trends about what humans think of themselves, it is evident that all the attributes that humans are endowed with cannot be equivalent to our understanding. To clearly define our life purpose, we need a greater understanding than the one we already have. Just like a child cannot fully know his/her birth process unless he/she is told by his/her mother or someone else who was present at his/her birth; we cannot fully understand our life purpose until we consult Our Maker! Consulting Our Maker can sound a bit difficult as this concerns spiritual matters, but we have no other choice other than to exercise our spirituality using the spiritual power we are endowed with. The summary of our life purpose is found in the above-mentioned most factual book—The Holy Bible—and it goes like this: “So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor {and glory} of God.” (1 Corinthians 10.31 AMP)
In this regard, a clearer understanding of who we are and our life purpose can only be found in the One who made us. Whenever we want to understand our SELVES using other patterns, we may fail to clearly understand our WORTH. It is widely said that “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” but what if the beholder has sight problems or what if the beholder just sees what you choose to show him/her (as you hide a lot inside you)? Beauty is in the eyes of the Maker—He is the only One who understands your DNA make-up, intentions, moves, privacy, and everything about you!
Humans are clever in displaying the opposite of their reality. They may cover their pain with smiles, their pimples with make-ups, and even their identity with masks! By the masks, I mean anything displayed on the outside just to hide the real stuff. Some may be dying inside while they portray a fulfilled life in all dimensions: career, relationships, finances, etc. Others may be struggling with addictions while claiming to be free-beings! Some may be looking great during the day but be grieving during the night in their closets! Some may display filtered memories on the internet while reality is complex and different! Some may act as if they have power over everything while they can’t even control their below-belt lust. The side-effects of this dual-mode include, but are not limited to, the wrong perception of our self-esteem/self-worth, silent death of the inside, emotional health imbalance, etc.
Our real self-esteem/self-worth is not (and should not) be measured by what people see or what we display! It is not measured by who people think we are! It is neither measured by who we, ourselves, think we are! Our real worth is found in Our Maker! However absurd this may sound to some people, it is the foundation to having a clear understanding of our self-esteem/self-worth. God fearfully and wonderfully made us in His image, He loves us unconditionally, He expects nothing from us except receiving from Him What He has already made for us including, but not limited to, salvation, good health, real love, real peace, real joy, self-control and so on. The result of this enlightenment about who God made us will empower us to live according to our life purpose where we shall live not as a way to please men but Our Maker!
From this divine perspective, you will no longer wait to feel beautiful/handsome until you’ve got thousands of likes to your posted photo, or until you turn your lips’ color, or until you increase the size of your eyelashes or until you adjust your height in high-heels, or until you show your thighs to look attractive, or wait to earn a job position until you sleep with the boss! You will no longer wait to feel accepted by adjusting yourself to fit in your friends’ circle, or until you abuse yourself with pre-marital sex, harmful substances, plastic surgery, gender change, or anything else that you think can increase your self-esteem/self-esteem.
It is evident that only those who have found this divine secret can live a happy life, free from too many expectations from people, free from emotional breakdowns due to low self-esteem/self-worth, free from self-torturing in the name of artificial fitness, free from pursuing a lifestyle that can’t add any value to your due living, free from anything that can harm your life and the life of your surroundings. May you truly realize that your beauty is not the eyes of any beholder, but rather in the eyes of your Maker! Lastly, may you enjoy your real self-worth as you commune with Your Maker for more revelations about who He made you IN-CHRIST.